Radioactive Materials Enforcement Rulemaking Virtual Workshop December 7

The Oregon Department of Energy invites interested members of the public to participate in a virtual workshop on Monday, December 7, 2020 to discuss potential revisions to administrative rules for the enforcement of the laws and rules governing the transport and disposal of radioactive waste in Oregon.

Staff will provide an overview of draft proposed rules it prepared with the assistance of a Rulemaking Advisory Committee. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions about the rulemaking process and provide informal input on the draft proposed rules. Staff will also provide information about a potential legislative concept for the 2021 legislative session that also deals with the transport and disposal of radioactive materials and waste in Oregon.

Date:  Monday, December 7, 2020
Time: 5 - 7 p.m. PST
Location: Webinar (remote-only)
Join Virtual Meeting:
Dial-in: (408) 418-9388 (US Toll)
Access Code: 173 390 6103
Information on Using the WebEx Virtual Platform:

Meeting materials:

The draft proposed rules and other meeting materials will be posted to the Council’s rulemaking website as soon as they are available:


At its May 21, 2020, meeting the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council initiated a rulemaking project to update administrative rules in OAR chapter 345, division 029 that provide for the rules for enforcement of laws and rules governing the transport and disposal of radioactive materials and waste in Oregon. The objective of the project is to ensure that the rules are sufficient to protect public health and safety and the environment by incentivizing preventative measures, to ensure that radioactive materials or wastes are not improperly transported or disposed of in Oregon, and to require appropriate mitigation or penalties when a violation occurs.

The Council approved the formation of a Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) made up of interested stakeholders to assist the Oregon Department of Energy in the development of proposed rule revisions. The RAC met three times over the summer and fall of 2020, and the department is now finalizing the draft proposed rule revisions it prepared in consideration of the RAC’s feedback.

This workshop is an opportunity for the public to learn about the rulemaking process and the draft proposed rules, and to provide informal input for the department and the Council to consider. There will also be a formal public comment period including a public hearing on any proposed rules approved by the Council before the rules are formally adopted. Notification of the formal comment period will be provided at a later date.

If you want to receive future email notices about the Energy Facility Siting Council’s rulemaking activities, please sign up here:

If you have questions about this public workshop, please contact the Council’s Rules Coordinator at or call 503-373-1033.