ODOE Updates Electricity Resource Mix Dashboard With 2018 Data and New Features

The first page of the ERM dashboard shows how Oregon’s Electricity Mix has changed from 2012 to 2018.

The first page of the ERM dashboard shows how Oregon’s Electricity Mix has changed from 2012 to 2018.

The Oregon Department of Energy updated its interactive Electricity Resource Mix dashboard with 2018 data and a fresh design.

The “ERM” can help Oregonians learn about our state’s different energy resources, including which resources electric utilities use to provide power for homes and businesses across Oregon. The resources are diverse, and are highlighted throughout the dashboard – from natural gas, coal, and hydropower, to other renewable resources, such as wind, biomass, geothermal, landfills, and solar. The 2018 data show that Oregon continues to be a national leader in hydropower, second only to Washington state.

New in the interactive dashboard is the ability to see the electricity mix over time – start with 2012 and work your way to 2018 to see how Oregon’s mix has changed. You’ll see the share of coal steadily shrinking from Oregon’s electricity mix, its share decreasing by about 7.5 percent since 2012. The natural gas portion has grown over the years – Oregon uses less than the national average, which can be seen in a comparison of 2018 national data on the dashboard’s Oregon ERM page.

In addition to a statewide view of the electricity mix and utility-specific breakdowns, the updated ERM shows greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation and by utility. Oregon is making progress to reduce its carbon footprint from electricity generation – our Renewable Portfolio Standard requires that at least half of the electricity sold by Oregon’s largest utilities come from renewable resources by 2040. By 2030, Oregon must stop using coal-generated electricity. See how emissions have changed over the years on the dashboard’s GHG Emission by Utility page.

The 2018 data update offered an opportunity to refresh the dashboard’s look and usability features. The ERM team focused on visitor experience improvements during development, and special attention was given to increase user engagement and interaction throughout the dashboard. Several charts can animate, illustrating how data has changed over time, including Oregon’s Electricity Mix, Electricity Market Purchases, and GHG Emissions from Electricity Generation. As visitors browse each page, they can hover over the lightbulb icons labeled “Explore,” which share data insights, definitions, and navigation tips.

Explore the 2018 Electricity Resource Mix dashboard.