ODOE Now Accepting Interest Forms for Rural & Agricultural Energy Audit Program


Earlier this year, the Oregon Department of Energy announced a $100,000 Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ODOE will use the grant dollars to pay for up to 75 percent of the cost of energy audits for Oregon agricultural producers and rural small businesses.

Potential applicants are now invited to fill out an interest form online. Applicants should gather as much information as possible, including information about the site’s energy use (recent utility and/or energy bills) and information about any energy efficiency projects they are interested in completing.

An energy audit may include inspection of buildings, processes, and/or equipment to analyze energy consumption and identify efficiency improvements to reduce a business’s energy use and costs. Energy audits can help prioritize potential improvement projects based on energy savings, payback period, and other factors. 

Federal, local, and utility funding may be available to Oregon agricultural producers and rural small businesses that want to invest in energy efficiency improvements, and an energy audit is often a required first step in funding applications. But the cost of an audit, which can range from $5,000 up to $20,000, can be a significant barrier. ODOE will use its grant funding to pay for 75 percent of the cost of energy audits conducted through the program.

More information about our Rural & Agricultural Energy Audit Program is available on our website and in our FAQ document.