Baldock Solar Highway Project Turns 10
This summer marked the 10-year anniversary of the Baldock Solar Highway Project, spotted just off I-5 near Aurora. The Oregon Department of Transportation, in partnership with Portland General Electric, broke ground on what was to be the 1.75-Megawatt solar array in early August 2011. Six months later, the array was completed and connected to the PGE grid to deliver renewable energy to Oregonians.
The Baldock Solar Highway Project was the largest of its kind in the U.S. when it was completed. The project was called a “Made in Oregon” because the public and private partners involved – including the company that produced the panels – were Oregon based.
Today, power generated from the solar station is still used by PGE customers. A visit to the solar station is just a short drive north of Aurora, next to the I-5 northbound French Prairie rest area. Near the rest area’s flower gardens, visitors can view the 6,994 solar panel structure and learn more about the project through a collection of interpretive displays.
Today’s view: The completed Baldock Solar Highway.