ODOE Now Recruiting for Grant Program Evaluation Committee

The Oregon Department of Energy is currently seeking community members to serve on our Community Renewable Energy Grant Program Evaluation Committee for an additional round of funding.

Evaluation committee members will be asked to review applications and make recommendations to ODOE’s Director about which projects should be funded. The time commitment will vary based on the number of applications received, but we expect the process to begin mid-March, with recommendations to the Director by early May.

If you are interested in serving on the evaluation committee, please fill out the online interest form by 5 p.m. on February 15, 2023.

The form will ask basic questions about your background and interests in serving on the committee. Please note we will also ask if you have any conflicts of interest that could prevent participation, such as a relationship with a potential grant applicant.

Applicants who submitted an Interest Form during the previous round of program funding are encouraged to reapply.

ODOE is offering an additional $12 million in funding through four opportunity announcements, with applications due February 15, 2023. Grants of up to $1,000,000 will be available for constructing community renewable and community energy resilience projects. Grants of up to $100,000 will be awarded for planning community renewable energy and community energy resilience projects. ODOE offered the first $12 million in the summer of 2022 and will make additional grant funding available through 2024, so there may also be future opportunities to serve on the evaluation committee.

Additional Program Background

The Community Renewable Energy Grant Program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Public bodies include counties, municipalities, and special government bodies such as ports and irrigation districts. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis and priority will be given to projects that support program equity goals, demonstrate community energy resilience, and include energy efficiency and demand response.

At least half of the grant funds will be awarded for projects that serve environmental justice communities, including communities of color, lower-income communities, rural communities, and others. Similarly, at least half of the grant funds will be awarded to projects that support community energy resilience.

If you have questions about the evaluation committee or the online form, please contact us at 503-378-4040 or community.grants@energy.oregon.gov.