Energy Facilities Spotlight: The Public Process
Reviewing and potentially siting energy facilities – such as solar, wind, or transmission facilities – in Oregon is a complex and sometimes lengthy process. Proposed energy facilities go through a robust public process to ensure they are up to Oregon’s standards before they can be built.
Before a state-jurisdiction energy facility is built in Oregon, a developer must apply for a site certificate from the state’s Energy Facility Siting Council. The council has seven members who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. Members are selected to understand, evaluate, and deliberate complex issues associated with proposed facilities and how those facilities affect people, habitat, and communities. Appointees are also selected to ensure broad geographic representation.
Council meetings are open to the public, and public involvement is built into the council’s review. State-level oversight of energy facilities helps ensure that Oregon has an adequate energy supply while protecting Oregon’s environment and public safety. Proposed facilities must prove they can meet a set of specific standards to gain approval, including considerations around land use, soil protection, fish and wildlife habitat, threatened and endangered species, and historic, cultural, and archaeological resources, among many others.
If a developer receives a site certificate from the Council, it can begin constructing and operating the facility. ODOE’s energy facility siting staff will monitor and regularly inspect energy facilities to ensure compliance with all conditions of the site certificate. Occasionally a developer with a site certificate will apply for an amendment to the site certificate. That amendment process, like the site certificate process, must go through EFSC for approval.
The Oregon Department of Energy has several resources online to help the public understand how to track and get involved in proposed energy facilities. Check them out:
A facility siting process flowchart for understanding the steps and the various documents that are developed along the way.
A public guide to help Oregonians better understand the energy facility siting process, how and when to get involved, and the roles and responsibilities of the Energy Facility Siting Council and ODOE staff.
A list of EFSC-jurisdiction facilities and their statuses – from proposed to operating to amending.
A monthly update on projects currently under review – on our website and by email.
Self sign-up email interest lists for general siting updates and updates for specific facilities.
More information on our compliance program and a form to request a site inspection if you feel a facility isn’t operating as it should.
More resources are available online, including information about upcoming Energy Facility Siting Council meetings.