Stay Up to Speed on Oregon’s Proposed Energy Facilities
Did you know the Oregon Department of Energy’s energy facility siting team and the Energy Facility Siting Council currently have more than a dozen state jurisdictional energy facilities in the review pipeline? Most of the facilities that are under review or have been proposed are renewable solar and wind facilities, with a few transmission lines also in the mix.
With so many projects in the line-up, ODOE wants to make sure Oregonians can stay in the loop in this important public process. In addition to providing individual facility updates on our website and by email to interested people, our siting team provides a monthly update that outlines all projects that are in review, including current status and what’s on the horizon so Oregonians can stay informed about progress and view opportunities to get involved.
A high-level dashboard on ODOE’s website shows what’s new at the beginning of each month, including a list of approved facilities that are under construction, facilities that have recently changed status or have upcoming meetings, estimated dates for next steps or milestones, and much more. ODOE also includes administrative rulemaking updates and upcoming opportunities for the public to weigh in.
Oregonians who want more details can also view a complete monthly report online that provides at-a-glance tables of project statuses as well as detailed updates for each project. In addition to outlining the phase, status, and location of new and proposed facilities, ODOE also provides tables of approved facilities that have proposed amendments.
Curious about how much renewable energy is moving through the state facility siting process? There’s a table for that! As of February 1, 2024, for example, nearly 11,000 megawatts of wind and solar facilities are operating, in construction, approved, or under review in Oregon.
February 2024: State Jurisdictional Renewable Energy Projects Summary*
*There are 31 individual renewable energy facilities. However, some may include more than one type of renewable energy type and/or may be constructed in phases and therefore fall into more than one status category.
ODOE’s team updates the monthly report within the first few days of a new month. You can also sign up to receive an email once a month when the report is ready.
Oregonians can learn more about the state’s energy facility siting process and the Energy Facility Siting Council, access fact sheets and other helpful information, and view maps of projects on ODOE’s website.