SALEM — Oregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will meet next on September 26-27, 2019 in Clatskanie. The public meeting begins Thursday at 4 p.m. at the Clatskanie River Inn, 600 E. Columbia River Highway. The meeting resumes on Friday at 8 a.m.
Read MoreThe Pacific Northwest Region’s fuel infrastructure will be destroyed in the aftermath of a 9.0 Cascadia earthquake and tsunami. The Oregon Department of Energy’s role is to work with the federal government, the military, and the petroleum industry to establish new temporary bulk fuel supply chains to ensure adequate fuel supplies are provided to the state’s public safety agencies tasked with saving and sustaining lives, and restoring critical lifelines and services.
Read MoreOregon’s Energy Facility Siting Council will meet next on August 22-23, 2019 in Boardman. The public meeting begins Thursday at 3 p.m. at the Port of Morrow Riverfront Center, 2 Marine Drive NE. The meeting resumes on Friday at 8:30 a.m.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy today announced a new resilience resource for small and medium electric utilities. The Oregon Guidebook for Local Energy Resilience identifies incremental actions electric utilities can take today so they are better prepared in the event of a major emergency, and provides additional guidance to improve overall community energy resilience.
Read MoreThe Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board will hold a two-day public meeting on July 15-16, 2019 at 234 SW Kendall Ct. in Troutdale. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. on Monday and reconvene at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, with an opportunity for public comment each day.
Read MoreIn our June 2019 newsletter, we’re talking about ODOE’s 2019-21 budget, the latest in Home Energy Scoring, and what’s happening across our agency.
Read MoreEach year, Oregon Department of Energy staff join representatives from Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon State University, and two eastern Oregon counties to participate in the annual Hanford Emergency Exercise to test our emergency preparedness program.
Read MoreOn May 11, Oregon Department of Energy Director Janine Benner spoke at the grand opening of a new Eugene Water & Electric Board project designed to help people access clean water in an emergency.
Read MoreA look at cleanup progress on the 30th anniversary of the Hanford Site’s Tri-Party Agreement, why it matters, and the challenges that lie ahead.
Read MoreThe country’s largest environmental cleanup project – and Oregon’s role in the cleanup efforts – will be featured at the next OMSI After Dark on April 24.
Read MoreOn March 29, 2019, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Jordan Cove Liquefied Natural Gas export facility and pipeline. FERC will accept public comment on the DEIS until 2 p.m. Pacific time on July 5, 2019.
Read MoreODOE’s March newsletter talks about the latest round of Renewable Energy Development Grants, a new Oregon Solar Dashboard, a new Grounded podcast episode, a quick update on the legislative session., and more.
Read MoreThe Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board will convene for a two-day public meeting March 11-12 at the Best Western Plus Hood River Inn, 1108 E Marina Drive, in Hood River. The meeting starts at 1 p.m. on Monday and reconvenes at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday.
Read MoreODOE’s February newsletter dives in to the Legislative session, a proposed wind + solar + storage facility, activities for kids, and more.
Read MoreIn our January newsletter: the latest on the legislative session, updates to the Biennial Energy Report online, celebrating an upgraded biogas facility in Salem, January outreach events, and more.
Read MoreOregon is already feeling the effects of climate change, from widespread drought to smoky summers. The science behind how climate change is affecting our environment and health will be the topic of conversation at the next Salem Environmental Education Science Pub Night on Tuesday, January 22.
Read MoreThe Oregon Department of Energy expressed its concern in an official letter to the U.S. Department of Energy late last month, regarding USDOE’s proposal to offer a new interpretation of what constitutes “high-level radioactive waste” at the Hanford Site and other nuclear cleanup sites across the country.
Read MoreIn ODOE’s November newsletter: big news from Governor Kate Brown, publication of our inaugural Biennial Energy Report, energy storage workshop, and more.
Read MoreUtility-scale solar electric facilities are the hot new thing in Oregon, and many existing wind farms are taking steps to “repower” older turbines by using longer blades. Those are two reasons why the Facility Siting Division at the Oregon Department of Energy now has a record 15 projects under review!
Read MoreIn ODOE’s October newsletter, we celebrate another top 10 ranking for energy efficiency, share info about public meetings we held this month, and get excited about our upcoming Biennial Energy Report.
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